
Friday, March 8, 2024

The life adventures of Bert and Felix and little Rover

 Bert, Felix and Rover have been going all over the place with me since I got back from the camping trip in September. They have been to several biker parties this year and even went to several parks for photos.

The adventures stopped this week as they needed to come into the apartment as the car had to go into shop for a major tune up and repairs. I just knew they would give my mechanic a heart attack and I couldn't afford that. The repairs were bad enough. Who would of thought my poor car needed not only a tire rotation, and the transfer case fluid drained and filled, but new front brake pads and rotator, rear wheel bearing, and all new spark plugs. The dealership was suppose to have replaced the sparkplugs less than 2 years ago but there was no way they could of with the shape they were in and I don't drive my vehicle that much anymore. Plus there was a mouse nest under the engine hood... 

Even though they are sad not to go traveling with me but I think they were getting bored with going to the same places. So when the landlord stopped over on Tuesday Bert scared the crap out of him... Guess he never saw the boys sitting out in the car when he was mowing. But I now have permission to get one of those portable fire pits to have out in the courtyard for small camp fires on the weekends. I just need to talk to the downstairs neighbor about keeping it on his patio when it isn't in use

Plus over the weekend I got a new tattoo, but won't be posting photos of it till it is healed.


  1. A while back, I was hearing an odd sound coming from the back of my car. I took it to the shop and the mechanic started giggling. Apparently, an empty soda can found its way into the tire well and that was where the odd sound was coming from.

    I think it's so cute that you take Bert, Felix, and Rover out and about. At least you don't get pestered with "are we there yet?" 😂

    1. Or the "I'm Hungry"
      Today at the laundromat someone noticed they weren't out in the car, that was when I knew they get more attention in town then I do.

  2. I can only imagine the attention they attract.

    1. It is always an adventure having a skeleton around for sure. This year for Halloween I am going to have them out in the front of the apartment building in chairs passing out candy.

  3. Ha, you know I love Felix and Bert. It's so fun seeing them on the park bench. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yay you found Bert and Felix!!
      I am still figuring this site out. I am planning on taking them for a few adventures this year.

    2. Yes, I found you through Jaye. :) I can't wait to see your adventures.

  4. I think I recognise Felix and Bert from another site I recently got banned from. Guess who?

  5. YAY, you found me!! I figured out that making a post with Bert and Felix and little Rover would be one way to let everyone to know who I was over here. I am not putting my name from the other site on here just incase some actual family were to recognize Bert and Felix.
    I still am trying to figure this site out and am learning a little be more each time.
    Now I need to figure out how to follow you.

    1. You can't follow him yet, I haven't taught him how to put it in his blog yet. ;)

      I have a list of all the bloggers I've found at the top of mine.

      PS I purchased my own domain as well.😂 I'm still blogging here, I can just port my posts over simply. I just wanted to make sure that eventually, when someone searches Adultfriendfinder, my site comes up too. The one that talks about all the shady shit. 🤣 It's the small things that delight me.

    2. I was able to set it up to follow him even though he hasn't posted anything yet. I figured out how to do that last night.

    3. Did you do it through the reading list?

    4. I think that I did and added his URL to it and then I went a step farther and I favorite certain pages to my favorites and I have yours, JN, Paul's and his in my favorites to check. I am not sure who everyone else is.
      The whole site is confusing to me.

    5. I've begun a tutorial series on my blog. I will continue to help as I can.

    6. I was able to figure out Tagged, MySpace and Facebook and the other site for the most part.
      I will be able to figure out this place
